Atmospheric radiation Atmospheric radiation
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About project

The urgency of studying modern climatic changes determines the necessity of development of the toolkits for regular measurements of radiationally important atmospheric characteristics and formation of the relevant databases. Among the monitoring systems based on the atmospheric solar photometry (aerosol thickness, total ozone content, columnar water vapour, other gases), AERONET ( is the only one having a database and web interface to handle this data.

The site presents description of the photometers that form a hardware component of the information-measurement system. The interface to access the database is available to the general user. To work with the archive, the user must get registered with the site.

The project has received support from

  1. The Russian Foundation of Basic Research (grant №04-07-90123),
  2. School of S.D. Tvorogov (Scientific school 373.2003.5),
  3. Projects 13.3 and 12.2 of the RAS basic research programs
  4. Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  5. IAO SB RAS Department of Optical Diagnostics of Environment.

INTAS grant 00-189, RFBR grant №04-07-90123