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Bird Simple Spectral Model: spectrl2
Bird Simple Spectral Model: spectrl2 [Анг.]
URL: http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/models/spectral/spectrl2/

The spectrl2 C code was revised 24 March 2004 after an incompatibility was discovered with solpos.c, which had recently revised. Necessary code was added within the function for callig the solpos function. In addition, all spectrl2 input and output variables were moved to a structure. The spectrl2 function is now called with the structure passed by reference.

The revised code is referred to as version 2, or spectrl2_2.

The spectrl2 C code for version 2 is available for download in three compressed formats. The compressed files each contain the following four files:

  • spectrl2_2.c -- the actual code that computes the solar spectrum
  • spectrl2_2.h -- the header file that must be included in the code that calls spectrl2.c
  • spectest.c -- a test code that exercises spectrl2.c
  • ReadMe.txt -- documentation for spectrl2 (text version of on-line documentation
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